Star wars ugly fighter
Star wars ugly fighter

star wars ugly fighter

Although no one knows who was the first to have the "Brilliant" idea of mounting the panels on X-Wing hulls, the design has proven serviceable, if not particularly effective. There is no good way to acquire S-foils to mount on the X-Wing hulls, but TIE Fighter solar panels and ion thrusters are extremely common. Though never officially lost or sold, the hulls found their way into the hands of various Corellians within a few years. Not wanting to see the incomplete Starfighters fall into Rebel hands and not interested in using politically tainted design, the Empire stored the seized materials in Corellian Space Stations. During the Galactic Civil War, hundreds of incomplete T-65 Starfighters are seized by the Empire when Incom Corporation goes over to The Rebel Alliance. These ships are mostly built by the Corellian Defense Forces (And less savory groups with ties to Corellia). Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Scum and VillainyĪn X-TIE is created when the hull of a T-65B X-Wing Starfighter is given the solar panels of a TIE Fighter rather than its normal S-foils.

Star wars ugly fighter